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The Girl Who Finds You Here (2008 - 2010)

Kelsie #2, oil on wood, 18 inches by 24 inches, 2008
My Name Is Tabitha, oil on wood, 36 inches by 48 inches, 2010
Chicago, oil on wood, 48 inches by 48 inches, 2009
kelsie 1
The Girl Who Finds You Here, oil on wood, 36 inches by 36 inches, 2009
Kelsie #1, oil on wood, 16 inches by 20 inches, 2008
the girl who finds you here
ms kimberly
Ms. Kimblery, oil on wood, 30 inches by 30 inches, 2009
kelsie 2
Timmy, oil on wood, 72 inches by 72 inches, 2008
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